If you are heading to college soon or you have a college-bound kid at home, read this guide on what to pack for college: the easy and minimalist way. You have spent a lot of time figuring out the cost of tuition, room and board, financial aid, scholarship, and other things. By now, you are overwhelmed with all those stuff and you still have to figure out what do you really need to bring to college.
While there are many checklists on the internet that focus on completeness, those lists overkill. The lists are really long and many irrelevant stuff are included. You might freak out after reading the lists and feel like you have to move your whole house with you. Well, you are just moving to college, not Mars. The packing process should be fun and easy. Remember, less is more. Let’s keep our list short and easy. Don’t bring unnecessary stuff to your dorm. Save your time and money, here’s our simple guide on college packing checklist for freshmen — the stress-free way.

Minimalist College Packing Tips and Checklist
Going to college involves a lot of money. We pack what we really need and save the money for later. For convenience sake, pack light and stick to the essentials only. You won’t have a big space in the dorm, so keep your belongings minimal so that you can have clutter-free and functional living space.
College Packing Tips: Clothing Essentials
Pack enough clothing for at least one week as you won’t be washing your laundry so frequently. Be mindful of the climate. For example, you won’t need a super thick winter coat if you are going to college in California. Also, if your college is near to your home, you can always come back to pick up the out-of-season clothing the next time you come home.
The checklist:
- Everyday outfit for classes
- A pair of comfy shoes
- Slippers
- Underwear
- Sleepwear
- Socks
- Dressy outfit for any party or formal events
College Packing Tips: School Supplies
You can purchase most of the school supplies when you get there. Bring only what you need for first classes only.
Don’t buy any textbook yet. You don’t know what textbooks are really needed. Some classes depend on the notes and reading materials assigned by the professor and no textbook is required.
The checklist:
College Packing Tips: Dorm Living
What does your dorm room comes equipped with? Check with your school first. There are some items that you may or may not need to get.
The checklist:
- Bedlinens
- Towel
- Toiletries (soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, lotion)
- Mesh bag (to carry your toiletries to the shower room)
- Clothes hangers
- Laundry bag
College Packing Tips: Miscellaneous Items
- Duffel bag
- Smartphone
- Student ID and other important documents
- Prescription medicine (if needed)
- Money
Remember, less is more. Don’t overpack. Sure, you will find a thing or two that you need, you can always buy them later. For now, go minimal and make your life easier.
Related Article:
Minimalist College Packing List Printable
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